Monday, December 14, 2015

Thank you City Council for doing the right thing!

Members of the Hall wish to express their gratitude voting together to do the right thing to freeze fares, recreation fees and also creating an emergency fund for many non-profits seeing more people than every come through their doors. 

While we understand January's adult transit pass will increase, we know February is will come back down again. To learn more about the council decision watch this video.

Tuesday, December 15th, Council will talk more about what to do for affordable housing. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

Encouraged by gesture of City Council acknowledging reality of Calgarians are in need

City Council will look at a motion to help our City during its economic downturn
We are encourage by today's announcement City Council will be looking at notice of motion this Monday for an "economic resiliency fund" to address the growing needs many Calgarians are now facing. 

Its timely and greatly needed. 
January and February are typically the months people need affordable public transportation the most. 

If you wish to pass along your support, please feel free to email your City Councillor to support the motion.

To see the announcement visit this site  or to watch the video on the motion for an economic resiliency fund visit here